Does Boston University Accept Letters of Continued Interest

You compiled all of your admission documents, including your transcript, personal essay, letters of recommendation, and more. After submitting everything to your dream college, you receive a waitlist letter or deferral letter. It's normal to feel disappointed. A deferral means the college wants to defer your application and review it with the regular college deadline applicants. A waitlist means you have what it takes, but the college had too many other qualified applicants that succeeded over your application, and that only if they refuse the offer will your waitlist position be moved higher up or into a successful application.

But don't fret! You can still make a strong case for your admission, even after you submitted your application. The best way to do this is with a letter of continued interest.

In this guide, we'll cover what a letter of continued interest is, how to write a letter of continued interest, and a letter of continued interest example.

What Is a Letter of Continued Interest?

A letter of continued interest, also known as a waitlist letter of continued interest, is your chance to communicate to a college that you're still interested in attending, why you want to attend, and why you'd be a good fit.

Person writing a letter of continued interest

How to Write a Letter of Continued Interest

Your letter of continued interest isn't a repeat of your personal statement. It should follow a logical format, include specific considerations, and be free of any content that would hurt your chances of acceptance. Let's run through how long your letter should be, and what you should include, and what you shouldn't include in your letter of continued interest.

How Long Should Your Letter of Continued Interest Be?

We recommend you keep your letter no longer than one page. Keep it short and sweet. Include only what's necessary, as your college admissions team might get frustrated with an overly descriptive letter of continued interest.

What Should Be the Subject and Content of a Continued Interest Letter?

Here's a breakdown of everything you need to include in your letter of continued interest.


Your introduction should hook the reader in within the first few seconds, and inform them of your purpose. Re-introduce yourself, thank them for considering your application, and reiterate your interest in attending the college.

Update on your Achievements

If your GPA, ACT scores, or SAT scores improved since you submitted your application, now's a great time to draw attention to it! This reinforces your commitment to excellence, and will surely impress the admissions team. You can also include any additional achievements you've attained since your application. Remember, don't include achievements already in your original application.

Include Supplementary Materials

We mentioned the importance of updating the admissions team on any new achievements or improved grades. If relevant, include documentation of those additional improvements with some supplementary materials.

Promotion in a Leadership Position

If you achieved a leadership position or otherwise accomplished role within an organization or extracurricular since your application, mention it in this letter. Make sure you explain the work you've done to push forward the organization's initiative rather than simply state the position.

Sweet Ending

Offer a short and sweet ending as a conclusion about why this college is still your dream college.

When Should You Send a Letter of Continued Interest?

The best practice is to send your letter of continued interest as soon as possible. However, different schools might have different guidelines for sending the letter. Make sure to abide by any dates outlined by the college on your waitlist or deferral letter.

Who Should I Write my Letter of Continued Interest To?

Send your LOCI to whoever sent you your waitlist or deferral letter. If you don't see a name, check the college's website for a mailing or email address for their admissions office.

an writing a letter of continued interest college.

Things to Avoid When Writing a Letter of Continued Interest

Now that you know what to include in your letter, let's touch upon things you should avoid.

    1. Emotional Distress

It's extremely unprofessional to complain or despair about your deferral or waitlist letter within your letter of continued interest. You should certainly not blame the college for not considering your application at this time. Don't let your emotions get the better of you, and ensure your letter is free of any negativity, desperation, blame, and emotion.

    2. Sending the Letter After the College Instructs You Not To

Some colleges provide instructions to students with their waitlist or deferral letters. In these instructions, some colleges specifically tell students not to send a letter of continued interest. In this case, do not send one! Sending one despite these instructions will just make you look insensitive and unprofessional.

    3. Information Already Included in Your Application

Your letter of continued interest shouldn't be repetitive. That means you shouldn't include information from your original application in your letter of continued interest.

    4. Names of Other Colleges that Accepted You

It's tacky to brag about other college acceptance letters in your letter of continued interest. The college receiving your letter will likely assume that you have other options and don't take their college seriously.

Letter of Continued Interest Example

Here's a letter of continued interest example to help you get started on your LOCI college letter.

Dear Mr./Miss [Name of Admissions Director or whoever sent the deferral or waitlist letter],

I'm [Your Name] and I recently received a [waitlist/deferral letter] in response to my college application to [Name of School].

Thank you for considering a review of my application. I am honored to be considered for acceptance to your university, as [insert line about why you admire the school].

I am writing to express my continued interest in your university and provide some additional information about my application.

Since my application, I've received an Excellence in Music Award at my high school. It's a prestigious award that my high school offers to students that demonstrate the utmost excellence and passion in the subject of music. You'll find a copy of the award attached to this letter.

In addition, my GPA rose to 3.9, 0.5 points higher than the GPA on my original application.

I have a particular interest in the music education program at [Name of School], which has excellent faculty and the state's best art facility.

Thank you so much for your time and attention. If you have any further questions, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you.


[Your Name]

Final Thoughts

Sometimes persistence makes all the difference! If you've been waitlisted or deferred, use this guide on how to write a letter of continued interest to heighten your chances of acceptance. In the meantime, check out our database of scholarships to help fund your dream education.

You May Also Want to Read:

  • Tips For Writing A Letter of Continued Interest
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